AMiCUS (Adventist Ministry to College and University Students) seeks to meet the spiritual, intellectual, and social needs of Seventh-day Adventist students on secular campuses worldwide. In cooperation with leaders at various church levels, it aims to achieve these goals by strengthening the faith commitment of these students to Seventh-day Adventist beliefs and values, providing opportunities for Christian fellowship, preparing students to deal with the intellectual challenges that arise in a secular environment, developing their leadership abilities, and training them for outreach and witnessing on the campus, in the community, and in the world at large.

The General Conference AMiCUS Committee provides leadership and coordination to the ministry on behalf of Adventist students in non-Adventist colleges and universities, in cooperation with their representatives in each of the 13 world divisions.

AMiCUS carries out its main assignments, in consultation with leaders in the world divisions, as follows:

Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries takes the initiative in providing training for campus chaplains and pastors in university centers, and in developing materials to support their ministry. Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries also maintains an international list of Seventh-day Adventist campus chaplains.
Contact: Dr. Ivan Omaña, [email protected]

The Youth Department leads out in fostering the organization of student associations in university centers, training students for outreach, holding student retreats, and developing necessary materials.
Contact: Pastor Busi Khumalo, [email protected], Maria Manderson, [email protected], Mwenya Mpundu, [email protected]

The Department of Education is responsible for Developing College and University Dialogue as a network journal published in interdivision languages (English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish), and for printing and distributing the journal on the basis of orders received through the world divisions.

Editor-in-chief: Dr. Lisa Beardsley, [email protected]

Editor: Dr. John M. Fowler, [email protected]
Managing Editor: Gabriela de Sausa Matias, [email protected] – Spanish, Portuguese, Chawngdinpuii Schaffer, [email protected] – English, French

College and University Dialogue is an international journal of faith, thought, and action published by the Committee on Adventist Ministry to College and University Students (AMiCUS) in cooperation with the 13 world divisions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Dialogue seeks to
nurture an intelligent, living faith;
deepen the readers’ commitment to Christ, the Bible, and Adventist Global Mission
articulate biblical responses to contemporary issues in the arts, humanities, philosophy, religion, and the sciences
offer practical models of Christian service and outreach.

Circulation and Readership
The journal is published three times a year in four parallel editions in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. With a circulation of 30,000 copies per issue, the journal has readers in 99 countries of the world.

Launched in 1989, Dialogue is addressed to Seventh-day Adventist college and university students, teachers, chaplains, and professionals around the world.

Adventist students attending non-Adventist colleges and universities may receive copies of Dialogue free, courtesy of AMiCUS and its regional representatives.

Other interested readers can subscribe to Dialogue at US$13.00 per year (three issues, airmail).
For more information on subscriptions contact Rachel Kim, [email protected]
For a free sample copy, contact Rachel Kim, [email protected]

Most articles published in Dialogue are assigned by the editorial staff. However, the editors are interested in contacting possible authors capable of producing well-written articles, interviews, and reports consistent with Dialogue’s objectives. Prospective authors are urged to carefully examine previous issues of the journal, and submit an abstract, an outline, and a personal background before developing a proposed article.